
PhD Epidemiology

The PhD program in Epidemiology at UFPel aims to develop innovative researchers that contribute to advancing our understanding of epidemiology. Specific research themes and optional disciplines can be adapted to suit the interests and abilities of the student. The course has already graduated professionals from areas such as medicine, nutrition, nursing, odontology, physiotherapy, social services, veterinary medicine, physical education, psychology, statistics, and engineering. The program has a CAPES rating of grade 7, this is the highest grade in Brazilian Public Health and represents an excellence level at international standards.

Students must attend classes to obtain the necessary credits. The thesis is the result of hands-on scientific research accompanied by a strong basis of structured classes. The data from one of the largest global cohorts will be made available to students for their research. The course encourages the publication of scientific articles in major journals in the subject area. Most current postgraduates have been publishing their articles in prestigious journals, such as the American Journal of Public Health and the Social Science and Medicine.

PhD students interact with students from the undergraduate and MSc programs by guiding classes in the Program of Guided Teaching, which was created by CAPES. Students will have contact with faculty members, who are the most experienced Brazilian epidemiology researchers with internationally recognized research. The course also encourages participation in the Sandwich Program, where students spend some time in another university either in Brazil or abroad.

PhD graduates at UFPel are often accepted as professors in selections by Brazilian public universities. Some students have gone on to become coordinators of other postgraduate courses or work for the WHO.

Epidemiology Postgraduate Program- Centre of Epidemiological Research