
Teses e Dissertações


Aluno:Victor Delpizzo Castagno

Título: Utilização de serviços oftalmológicos em adultos de uma cidade do sul do Brasil. Um estudo de base populacional

E-mail:victorcastagno@brturbo.com.br, clinicacastagno@brturbo.com.br

Área de concentração:-

Orientador:Anaclaudia Fassa

Banca examinadora:Luiz Augusto Facchini e Erno Harzheim

Data defesa:10/11/2008

Palavras-chave:Saúde ocular; Acesso a serviços de saúde; epidemiologia




Carência do setor público na atenção à saúde ocular: um estudo de base populacional





This cross-sectional population-based study investigated the prevalence of eye care services utilization and its association with socioeconomic and demographic factors, need for health care and type of service payment. The study evaluated 2.960 adults aged 20 and older. In the last 5 years, 46% of the sample and 30% of those aged 50 and older, did not visit an eye care service. From the persons who used a service, 18% went to an optical store, and only 17% visited the public health system. The main reason to use eye care services was poor vision (69,5%). Lack of money (29%) and time (24,6%) were the most frequent reasons for nonutilization. Age, education and economic level were directly associated with use of eye care service in the last 5 years. Female gender, diagnoses of cataract or glaucoma and wear spectacles, as well as, visit a private service, were also positively associated with the outcome. It is necessary to increase the participation of the public health system, integrating the ocular health to all levels of health care, enlarging the participation other health professionals else then the ophthalmologists and intensifying the eye problems screening and prevention.



Key words: service utilization, health service access, eye care services, health care research, population based

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Epidemiologia - Centro de Pesquisas Epidemiológicas